- 01/06 20:02, 2009引述 :『(中央社記者吳協昌台北6日電)第六季超級籃球聯賽(SBL)將於本週六開打,但是電視轉播權利金尚未談妥,連帶也影響到有意贊助球隊的金門酒廠意願,原本將於明天舉行成軍記者會的金酒公司,也臨時喊停。』( )
- 01/05 13:36, 2009引述 :『NBA teams know Jennings is gifted, but most are intrigued with his staying power. How’s he handling adversity? How’s he interacting with his older teammates? Just three weeks ago, Jennings’ first coach with Lottomatica quit. For most draft picks, Jennings is experiencing a much more realistic simulation of a rookie year than had he been jacking up shots and getting coddled at the University of Arizona. Two NBA executives who’ve watched Jennings practice in Italy left impressed with his progress.』( )
- 01/05 13:35, 2009引述 :『Through the years, the story never changes with Charles; something he’s chasing makes him look like a fool. Maybe it’s a stack of chips late night in Vegas or a you-know-what late night in Scottsdale. Whatever it is, it’s forever held him back. Even Michael Jordan believed that Barkley was never committed enough to be a championship player.』( )
- 01/04 09:33, 2009引述 :『只剩1周就要在苗栗開打的超級籃球聯賽(SBL)第6季,如今卻陷入「靜悄悄」的詭異處境。除最頭痛的電視轉播權利金依舊無解,所有賽前宣傳工作也無聲無息。原定舉行的熱身賽更首次取消,讓球迷摸不著頭緒。』( )
- 01/04 09:32, 2009引述 :『〔記者孫傳賢/台北報導〕第六季SBL參賽球隊名單正式出爐,除米迪亞精靈將以金門酒廠新隊名重新出發外,台灣大雲豹、達欣工程動用「洋將條款」補強戰力,多數球隊仍以前5季老班底應戰。』( )
- 12/23 09:24, 2008引述 :『The December issue of the Chinese-language edition of Sports Illustrated said a reporter for the magazine found records from Yi’s middle-school registration in his hometown in southern China that said he was born in 1984.』( )
- 12/16 18:09, 2008引述 :『由前籃球球星鄭志龍等發起的「球欣聯誼會」今天提出呼籲,希望SBL各球團代表以負責任的態度,審慎處理新球季比賽轉播的問題,切勿重蹈覆轍,影響未來籃球界的發展。』( )
- 12/16 18:08, 2008引述 :『1998年,中華職籃(CBA)玩了五年後嘎然喊卡,籃球人南柯一夢,10年後的今天,一樣打了五個球季的超級籃賽(SBL),又因電視轉播權利金兜不攏,及大台北地區缺乏合格場館被迫下鄉,往外縣市跑的龐大交通食宿,成了球團及相關單位人士的額外負擔,從而在離球季開打不到一個月,賽程、地點遲未公布。』( )
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Dec. 14-Jan. 6 垃圾精選
[2008/12/14 - 2009/01/06]