- 06/26 08:19, 2009引述 :『CLEVELAND -- One is the King, a reigning MVP who at age 24 needs only a championship to complete his résumé. The other is a larger-than-life personality who may be past the prime of his career but remains an undeniable force and hungers for a fifth NBA title.』( )
- 06/26 08:16, 2009引述 :『EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP)—Vince Carter(notes) is going home to Orlando, and to the Eastern Conference champion Magic. The New Jersey Nets dealt the eight-time NBA All Star, who grew up in Daytona Beach and lives in Orlando, and forward Ryan Anderson(notes) to the Magic on Thursday for point guard Rafer Alston(notes), shooting guard Courtney Lee(notes) and power forward Tony Battie(notes).』( )
- 06/25 15:29, 2009引述 :『When Tim Duncan(notes) found out Richard Jefferson(notes) didn’t return a phone call from Gregg Popovich after the Spurs coach traded for the Bucks star, he fired a text message to his new teammate. “Don’t get traded twice in one day.”』( )
- 06/25 15:26, 2009引述 :『There’s too many examples of players that have come here too early, not ready, and ended up not having the experience that they should have had,” he said. “The international element needs to be there, but only when it makes sense from a technical standpoint, from a quality standpoint』( )
- 06/25 15:25, 2009引述 :『Rubio has to pay a multimillion dollar buyout to his Spanish club, DKV Joventut Badalona, to get out of his contract. And while his lawyers are working on a deal with the team and he expects an amicable parting, he said there’s a chance he would stay in Europe if he isn’t drafted high enough to earn a salary that would cover a significant chunk of his debt.』( )
- 06/25 15:22, 2009引述 :『CLEVELAND (AP)—The Cleveland Cavaliers are close to acquiring center Shaquille O’Neal(notes) in a trade that would pair him with MVP LeBron James(notes), multiple people with knowledge of the deal told The Associated Press early Thursday.』( )
- 06/23 22:20, 2009引述 :『Look further, though. A count from The Associated Press culled from school and basketball Web sites found more than 170 African players at U.S. colleges, junior colleges and universities last season. Other sources show 100 players or so at the high school level, many placed at prep schools catering to international students.』( )
- 06/22 22:50, 2009引述 :『(中央社記者吳協昌台北22日電)為了讓傷兵全心養傷,把重點擺在亞洲男籃錦標賽。籃球協會男籃專案小組今天決定讓田壘、曾文鼎、吳岱豪、何守正與陳世念等5人在瓊斯盃休兵,將重點擺在8月的亞錦賽。』( )
Sunday, June 28, 2009
June 22-28 垃圾精選
[2009/06/22 - 2009/06/28]
Monday, June 22, 2009
June 13-22 垃圾精選
[2009/06/13 - 2009/06/22]
- 06/19 15:58, 2009引述 :『聯想力豐富者,懷疑係日本在抽到下下籤後,第一時間緊急向亞洲籃總申訴,抱怨他們辛苦打到東亞資格賽第二,取得亞洲賽門票,但籤運奇差,反之,東亞賽淘汰,靠遞補巴林才搭上亞洲賽末班車的中華隊,卻抽到上上籤,這不公平』(標籤: 20090619 tw-bball)
- 06/19 15:56, 2009引述 :『原則將徵召裕隆吳志偉、李啟億、台銀許致強三名內線球 員及台啤楊敬敏,東亞資格賽前因傷退訓的達欣張智峰、台啤林 志傑,大抵已傷癒,可望一併歸隊,但林志傑迄未聯絡上,仍小 有變數。』(標籤: 20090619 tw-bball)
- 06/19 14:04, 2009訂閱球員跟球評的推特、體育新聞,加上Rotoworld跟氣象網站的RSS,已經是專業球迷的基本功。不用功的記者,真的要當心了。(標籤: 20090619 sportsmedia miscellaneous)
- 06/17 06:54, 2009(標籤: 20090616 tw-bball global-basketball)
- 06/16 22:54, 2009引述 :『(中央社記者吳協昌台北16日電)亞洲籃球協會今天來函中華民國籃球協會,確定中華男籃因為過去在亞洲男籃錦標賽的成績良好,將以遞補身分,取得今年8月在中國天津舉行的亞錦賽參賽權。』(標籤: 20090616 tw-bball global-basketball)
- 06/15 22:32, 2009引述 :『(中央社記者吳協昌台北15日電)中華男籃參加8月亞洲男籃錦標賽又現生機,中華民國籃球協會副秘書長王人生今天拍胸脯打包票,強調亞洲籃球協會秘書長楊自福已經承諾中華隊一定可以參加亞錦賽。』(標籤: tw-bball 20090615)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
June 10-13 垃圾精選
[2009/06/10 - 2009/06/13]
- 06/13 20:14, 2009(標籤: 20090613 ncaa-basketball coaching)
- 06/13 20:10, 2009引述 :『The Kings formally introduced Westphal as their fourth new head coach in just over three years at Arco Arena. Top basketball executive Geoff Petrie hopes the former Phoenix and Seattle coach can help repair the damage done to a franchise that had eight consecutive winning seasons and playoff appearances until 2006, when owners Joe and Gavin Maloof fired coach Rick Adelman.』(標籤: 20090613 nba kings)
- 06/13 20:09, 2009引述 :『"He's still offensively kind of raw," Abdul-Jabbar said Wednesday. "He doesn't have a go-to move yet. Right now, he's kind of predictable."』(標籤: 20090613 nba magic lakers)
- 06/13 19:52, 2009引述 :『The promising point guard who skipped college in order to play professionally in Europe was quick to call out Spanish international and fellow hot-shot prospect Rubio for being overhyped』(標籤: 20090613 nba)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
June 7-10 垃圾精選
[2009/06/07 - 2009/06/10]
- 06/10 23:14, 2009引述 :『中華隊這次將目標擺在地主日本隊,不料首戰交手就馬失前蹄,上半場中華隊還能保持水準,以34比29領先,但是第三節中華隊彷彿中邪,屢投不進,防守也是漏洞百出,被日本隊單節拉出27比10的攻勢,反以56比44逆轉超前。』(標籤: 20090610 tw-bball)
- 06/10 23:13, 2009引述 :『在名古屋愛知縣小牧市參加亞籃東亞資格賽的中華男籃,10日晚 上首逢日本,因第三節被日隊打出27:10的懸殊攻勢,最終以66 :78不敵地主,輸掉預賽第一戰,出師不利。』(標籤: 20090610 tw-bball)
- 06/10 11:00, 2009引述 :『資源充裕的台灣大雲豹,繼第6季前重金挖角人氣射手歐陽進恆後,如今又被點名為「千萬挖豪」的富家勁旅之一,對此總教練鄭志龍則低調回應:「暫時沒有考慮。為長久之計,應是以培養新生代為主。」』(標籤: 20090610 tw-bball)
- 06/10 11:00, 2009引述 :『球季落幕後,金酒一口氣釋出林冠綸、尚韋帆、辛金展、吳佳龍、李偉民5名球員』(標籤: 20090610 tw-bball)
- 06/10 10:57, 2009引述 :『台啤總教頭閻家驊這陣子心情不太好,昨日他也無奈坦承,這陣子確實聽說有人出招,向當家中鋒吳岱豪開出「千萬簽約金」』(標籤: 20090610 tw-bball)
Sunday, June 07, 2009
June 4-7 垃圾精選
[2009/06/04 - 2009/06/07]
- 06/07 07:41, 2009引述 :『光華隊除徵召楊百翰大學的張宗憲外,還有後衛羅鈺群、洪志善、林傑閔,前鋒陳昱安、張宗憲、陳順祥、林金榜、呂政儒,中鋒徐偉勝、蔡峻銘、簡嘉宏、顏振弘』(標籤: 20090607 tw-bball jonescup)
- 06/05 12:57, 2009引述 :『Bryant, playing like a man possessed, scored 40 points and the Lakers, who have waited nearly one year for a chance to erase bitter memories of a Boston beatdown and a championship they felt belonged to them, pounded the Orlando Magic 100-75 in Game 1 on Thursday night.』(標籤: 20090605 nba lakers magic)
- 06/04 20:39, 2009引述 :『鍾秀鼐即將就讀的是NAIA第1級的聖地牙哥基督學院(San Diego Christian College),能夠獲此機會,主要是1980年代前中華男籃華裔國手孫嘉康(Conrad Sun)居中牽線,孫嘉康是在今年3月獲聘為聖地牙哥基督學院男籃校隊教練,秉持著提升台灣籃壇與回饋台灣籃壇的精神,願意提供台灣球員籃球獎學金赴美就讀。』(標籤: tw-bball 20090604)
Thursday, June 04, 2009
May 25-June 4 垃圾精選
[2009/05/21 - 2009/06/04]
- 06/04 09:35, 2009引述 :『Said the smiling president of the best-of-seven series: "Lakers in six, I think." The series begins Thursday.』(標籤: 20090604 nba)
- 06/04 09:34, 2009引述 :『Pietrus, a shooting guard who also helped defend LeBron James in the Eastern Conference finals, has worn a pair of basketball sneakers endorsed by Bryant during games this season, the Orlando Sentinel reported. But now that the Magic are facing the Lakers in the NBA Finals, which start Thursday (ABC, 8:30 p.m. ET), Pietrus is ditching his Kobe kicks for something a little more old-school, according to the report.』(標籤: 20090604 magic lakers nba)
- 06/04 09:32, 2009引述 :『A lawmaker urged the National Basketball Association Wednesday to repeal its requirement that players be at least 19 years old and a year out of high school before entering the league, calling the restriction unfair.』(標籤: 20090604 nba)
- 05/31 21:49, 2009引述 :『There will be no Kobe-LeBron showdown in the NBA finals—and that could make things tougher for the Lakers. Instead, Los Angeles will face Dwight Howard(notes) and the Orlando Magic, who swept the Western Conference champions during the regular season.』(標籤: 20090531 lakers magic cavs nba)
- 05/25 22:55, 2009引述 :『〔記者孫傳賢/台北報導〕亞洲男籃錦標賽東亞資格賽12人名單昨日出爐,所有成員皆來自本季SBL例行賽前3名球隊,達欣、裕隆、台啤看板球星幾乎全員入列,獨缺「台灣飛人」陳信安!據了解,陳信安已前往美國治療膝傷,至於林志傑、張智峰、吳岱豪等主力也可能因傷退出』(標籤: 20090525 tw-bball)
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