- 05/20 01:22, 2009( )
- 05/20 01:21, 2009引述 :『SBL超籃聯賽昨天傳出達欣球員林宜輝遭恐嚇的負面消息,達欣隊宣稱,在總冠軍戰第3役中場時間,台啤總教練閻家驊跟達欣隊職員放話,假如林宜輝防守繼續這麼髒,可能會對他做出不利舉動,林宜輝本人直到比賽結束才被告知。』( )
- 05/20 01:21, 2009引述 :『〔記者孫傳賢台北報導〕歷經一夜沉澱,台啤總教練閻家驊昨日態度明顯軟化,「我要收回週日罷賽的說法,台啤一定會繼續打完冠軍戰剩餘賽事。」』( )
- 05/17 11:50, 2009( )
- 05/17 11:49, 2009引述 :『國內籃壇傳出讓人眼鏡碎片滿地的四名男、女教練人事大搬風, SBL超籃、WSBL女子超籃相互交流,SBL前達欣男籃總教練劉嘉發 ,接掌WSBL中華電信女籃兵符,電信原教練柯孟儀則轉往「小小 電信」南縣永仁國中女籃。』( )
- 05/16 23:39, 2009引述 :『But those who knew Tisdale, who died Friday at a hospital in his hometown of Tulsa, Okla., recalled not only his professional gifts but a perpetually sunny outlook, even in the face of a two-year battle with cancer that took his life at 44.』( )
Thursday, May 21, 2009
May 12-21 垃圾精選
[2009/05/12 - 2009/05/21]
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May 1-12 垃圾精選
[2009/05/01 - 2009/05/12]
- 05/12 10:02, 2009引述 :『“I never understood how a great man and nice guy coached the Bad Boys,” Charles Barkley said.』(標籤: 20090512 pistons coaching)
- 05/12 09:55, 2009引述 :『A pickup game of basketball last spring brought good luck to the University of North Carolina’s basketball team and to Barack Obama, the president said Monday as he welcomed the national champions to the White House.』(標籤: 20090512 ncaa-basketball)
- 05/12 09:53, 2009引述 :『Rowell, who never played or coached in the NBA, has taken a prominent role with the franchise in the past two years. It’s yet another change of course by owner Chris Cohan, who once was Mullin’s most ardent supporter after grooming the five-time All-Star forward for the top executive job.』(標籤: 20090512 warriors)
- 05/12 09:46, 2009引述 :『Businessman and former NBA star Dave Bing is now the mayor of Detroit, and the third person to hold the job in eight months.』(標籤: 20090512 nba)
- 05/09 01:05, 2009(標籤: 20090509 global-basketball)
- 05/07 11:27, 2009引述 :『Six former Toledo players also were accused of taking part in the alleged scheme by either affecting the outcomes in games or giving the two businessmen information so that they could place wagers on the games.』(標籤: 20090507 ncaa-basketball)
- 05/05 08:05, 2009引述 :『The Cleveland Cavaliers star won what some expected to be a close vote in a slam dunk. He received 109 of a possible 121 first-place votes to easily outdistance Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers.』(標籤: 20080505 cavs nba)
- 05/04 11:50, 2009引述 :『Drew Nicholas, who won the NCAA title with Maryland in 2002, became the fourth player to win both the NCAA and Euroleague title following Tyus Edney and Jiri Zidek (both UCLA 1995, Zalgiris 1999) and Tony Delk (Kentucky 1996, Panathinaikos 2007).』(標籤: 20090504 global-basketball europe)
Friday, May 01, 2009
April 27 – May 1 垃圾精選
[2009/04/27 - 2009/05/01]
- 04/30 11:49, 2009引述 :『MIAMI -- Florida International Golden Panthers coach Isiah Thomas has signed four junior college players, the first batch of scholarships given out by the Hall of Fame player since taking the job.』(標籤: 20090430 ncaa-basketball)
- 04/30 09:45, 2009引述 :『(中央社記者李明宗台北29日電)裕隆籃球隊26日不滿超級籃球聯賽裁判執法尺度而罷賽。行政院體育委員會主任委員戴遐齡今天表示,裁判不公是長期隱藏的問題,中華民國籃球協會必須取得球團與球員信任。』(標籤: 20090430 sbl)
- 04/30 09:43, 2009引述 :『籃協近日將與晉級季後賽的4隊開會,從目前37名SBL裁判中選出表現最佳的國內裁判,加上4名外籍裁判;在每場季後賽前公開抽籤挑出3名臨場裁判,改變以往由裁判長黃朝和安排的做法。』(標籤: 20090430 sbl)
- 04/30 09:41, 2009引述 :『裕隆罷賽事件雖已落幕,裁判卻再度成為眾矢之的,球員、球團、媒體、體委會不約而同地砲轟裁判,連行政院長劉兆玄都「嫌」,裁判成了「過街老鼠」,SBL雖復賽,但一度傳出裁判要「罷吹」』(標籤: 20090430 sbl)
- 04/27 22:07, 2009引述 :『裕隆隊直至上午仍堅持罷賽態度,江育誠表示,全隊都支持張學雷教練決定,因此目前尚無重回比賽的意願,直到籃協有正面回應為止。這表示裕隆將視籃協的態度,來決定是否重回SBL。』(標籤: 20090427 tw-bball sbl)
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