- 06/13 20:14, 2009( )
- 06/13 20:10, 2009引述 :『The Kings formally introduced Westphal as their fourth new head coach in just over three years at Arco Arena. Top basketball executive Geoff Petrie hopes the former Phoenix and Seattle coach can help repair the damage done to a franchise that had eight consecutive winning seasons and playoff appearances until 2006, when owners Joe and Gavin Maloof fired coach Rick Adelman.』( )
- 06/13 20:09, 2009引述 :『"He's still offensively kind of raw," Abdul-Jabbar said Wednesday. "He doesn't have a go-to move yet. Right now, he's kind of predictable."』( )
- 06/13 19:52, 2009引述 :『The promising point guard who skipped college in order to play professionally in Europe was quick to call out Spanish international and fellow hot-shot prospect Rubio for being overhyped』( )
Saturday, June 13, 2009
June 10-13 垃圾精選
[2009/06/10 - 2009/06/13]