- 03/21 11:15, 2009引述 :『The college basketball villain is white. He’s always white. And he usually plays at Duke or North Carolina, though Florida has cranked up its production in recent seasons. He also has one or more of the following attributes: well-coiffed hair, a propensity to smack the floor on big defensive possessions and a signature way-too-intense facial expression. He is, in reality, a harmless creature.』( )
- 03/19 12:40, 2009引述 :『全隊從去年12月到今年2月,抽空在球場、裕隆宿舍、松山菸廠等地取景,展現他們最真實的一面。李學林因為在拍攝封面期間正服補充役,無法請假外出拍照,因此沒有出現在封面照片。 』( )
- 03/19 12:38, 2009引述 :『【蔡裕隆╱台北報導】籃球迷有福了!展現最高球技的NBA(National Basketball Association,美國職業籃球聯賽)比賽,將「原汁原味」在台展現。據權威人士透露,10月8日,丹佛金塊與印第安那溜馬將在台北小巨蛋體育館對決,進行新球季熱身賽。這是NBA自1946年開打63年以來首度登台,預計販售1萬張門票,球迷最快下月就可線上訂票。 』( )
- 03/14 22:00, 2009引述 :『Davidson was chairman and president of Guardian Industries Corp., a major manufacturer of glass products for the construction and automotive industries and fiberglass insulation products. He also was an honored philanthropist, giving away more than $80 million in the 1990s alone.』( )
Sunday, March 22, 2009
March 7-22 垃圾精選
[2009/03/07 - 2009/03/22]