"I hated Michael Jordan." 佛羅里達大學的Joakim Noah日前在芝加哥測試時發此豪語,一時語驚四座。因為大家都知道,在球場上惹毛MJ的人,通常都沒什麼好下場;而在球場外惹毛籃球之神,大概更沒有好處。
這當然是玩笑話。不過話說回來,在大部份的mock draft中,居然把他同學Al Horford和Corey Brewer都排在他前面,令我百思不解,因為像Horford或Brewer這種類型的球員,怎麼抓都有,每年大概也都有,但是像Noah這種智慧型長人,可不是每年都有。
我預估,他至少會是Marcus Camby這種樣子的好用型球員。
Ricky Rubio

用"The next Pete Maravich"來形容一個西班牙球員,好像有點扯。不過看Ricky Rubio的樣子,還真有點像。
In August of 2006 Rubio led the Spanish national team to the FIBA Europe U16 Championship. During the tournament (excluding the final game), Rubio achieved two triple-doubles and one quadruple-double. In the 110-106 double overtime finale victory over Russia, Rubio scored 51 points (including a three-point buzzer-beater shoot from mid court to force the first overtime), grabbed 24 rebounds, made 12 assists and stole the ball seven times — a performance unprecedented in tournament history. Rubio also was named Most Valuable Player of the tournament after leading it in points, rebounds, assists and steals.