- 02/16 21:51, 2009引述 :『(中央社記者吳協昌台北16日電)亞洲籃球總會(ABC)今年更改亞洲籃球錦標賽參賽規則,東亞首當其衝。中華隊這次必須先與日本、南韓、香港參加東亞資格賽,競爭兩個參賽名額。』( )
- 02/16 21:48, 2009引述 :『97學年度HBL高中籃球甲級聯賽男生組準決賽、女生組複賽,即將從2月17至23日一連七天在板橋體育館、板橋國小體育館進行。本階段賽事將由男、女生組八強進行單循環賽,比賽結果將直接影響到3月20至22日總決賽的籤位』( )
- 02/15 01:07, 2009引述 :『The Heat traded Shawn Marion, Marcus Banks and cash Friday to the Toronto Raptors for Jermaine O’Neal, Jamario Moon and a future first-round draft pick— essentially a swap of former All-Star forwards that comes with one huge bonus for Miami.』( )
- 02/10 23:18, 2009引述 :『KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP)—A coach travels hundreds of miles to watch a high school student play basketball. Then after the game a dangerous thing happens: The player and his parents walk up and try to have a conversation. What’s a coach to do?』( )
Monday, February 16, 2009
Feb. 7-16 垃圾精選
[2009/02/07 - 2009/02/16]