- 04/02 20:22, 2009引述 :『距離第23屆亞洲女籃錦標賽只剩不到3個月時間,原取得主辦權的中華民國籃球協會今天表示,亞洲籃球總會以擔心現場觀眾人數太少為由,收回籃協主辦權,比賽確定不在台灣舉辦。』( )
- 04/02 08:27, 2009引述 :『The CBA Administrative Center has revealed that Liaoning coach Guo Shiqing, Guangdong’s Li Chunjiang, Zhejiang’s Guang Fei and Beijing’s Min Lulei are now the only men on the list of candidates.』( )
- 04/02 08:17, 2009引述 :『Bennett, a surprise choice to take over a program that has seen interest wane in recent years, replaces Dave Leitao, who resigned on March 16 after going 63-60 over four seasons.』( )
- 04/02 08:14, 2009引述 :『Kentucky made Calipari the nation’s highest-paid coach on Tuesday, awarding him an eight-year, $31.65 million deal and charging him with restoring some of the luster the program lost during Billy Gillispie’s rocky two-year tenure.』( )
- 03/31 12:17, 2009引述 :『Blake Griffin and Tyler Hansbrough spent a lot of time together on the court last weekend and were back together Monday as the top vote-getters on The Associated Press’ All-America team.』( )
Sunday, April 05, 2009
March 31-April 5 垃圾精選
[2009/03/29 - 2009/04/05]