Monday, September 08, 2008

Sept. 7 垃圾精選


[2008/07/04 - 2008/09/08]

  • 09/07 20:13, 2008
    引述 :『The completion of the Olympic tournament on Sunday meant the results from the Sydney Olympics fell out of the eight-year range. So the U.S. added a gold medal to its tally and lost its gold medal finish from 2000. The Argentines added Sunday's bronze medal -- but their non-participation in the 2000 Olympics was no longer counted against them.』
    (標籤: 20080907 global-basketball)
  • 09/03 01:21, 2008
    引述 :『(中央社記者李安東台北二日電)中華民國籃球協會今天接獲亞洲籃球協會通知,確定獲得明年的第二十三屆亞洲女子籃球錦標賽主辦權,這將是中華籃協睽違三十六年後,第三度取得這項亞洲最高等級女籃賽的承辦資格。』
    (標籤: 20080903 tw-bball)
  • 07/30 08:51, 2008
    引述 :『Reigning Euroleague champion CSKA Moscow, Spanish powerhouse FC Barcelona and Lithuania's Lietuvos Rytas will face the Golden State Warriors, Los Angeles Lakers, Orlando Magic, Toronto Raptors and, possibly, the Los Angeles Clippers at undetermined NBA venues.』
    (標籤: 20080730 nba global-basketball)
  • 07/26 07:06, 2008
    引述 :『「籃球大帝」喬登左右手皮朋、「滑翔翼」崔斯勒、阿姆斯壯與萊斯等人將於8月底連袂抵台,並與台灣現役、退役球員進行兩場友誼賽』
    (標籤: 20080726 tw-bball nba)
  • 07/26 07:02, 2008
    引述 :『籃協因此決定與韓籍教頭鄭光錫續約2年,希望為台灣男籃量身打造「韓式球風」,王人達表示,目前台灣尚無合適的國家隊總教練人選,鄭光錫未來領軍期間,將順道培養鄭志龍、周俊三、邱大宗、許晉哲4名接班人。』
    (標籤: 20080726 tw-bball)
  • 07/22 19:01, 2008
    引述 :『 reported on Monday that Childress, who averaged 11.8 points and 4.9 rebounds last season, has an offer on the table from Greek powerhouse Olympiakos for more than $20 million over three years.』
    (標籤: 20080722 nba hawks global-basketball)
  • 07/15 07:51, 2008
    引述 :『On Monday, CBS announced that Clark Kellogg would replace Packer after 27 years as the network’s lead college basketball analyst. Including his earlier years at NBC, Packer had done every Final Four since 1975, an unparalleled run for a national sports championship.』
    (標籤: 20080715 ncaa-basketball)
  • 07/12 10:55, 2008
    引述 :『The American, who recently received his German passport (his great grandparents were German), flew to Europe this week and was on the bench during Wednesday night’s friendly against Canada in Hamburg.』
    (標籤: 20080712 global-basketball clippers olympics)
  • 07/10 18:20, 2008
    引述 :『Following a very successful training camp held at the AIS, Basketball Australia is pleased to announce the Australian U19 team (Emus) to compete at the 30th William Jones Cup for Men』
    (標籤: 20080710 jonescup)
  • 07/10 17:45, 2008
    引述 :『裕隆連續兩年無緣總冠軍,執行教練李雲光毅然決然卸下兵符,並捨棄與裕隆長達14年的革命情感。』
    (標籤: 20080710 tw-bball)
  • 07/10 17:43, 2008
    引述 :『瓊斯盃12大球星票選活動的結束,大會根據網路票選40%、媒體票選30%、籃壇人士票選30%的績分統計,選出瓊斯盃30屆來,最具代表性的12位球星,並將於10日開幕典禮時頒獎。 這12大球星含陳日興、洪濬哲、曾增球、馬莉娜、鄭志龍、周俊三、錢薇娟、蔣億德、陳信安、羅興樑、陳志忠、鄭慧芸。』
    (標籤: 20080710 tw-bball jonescup)
  • 07/09 20:49, 2008
    引述 :『The NBA set its salary cap for the 2008-09 season at $58,680,000, clearing the way for teams to sign free agents and make trades Wednesday. The tax level was set at $71.150 million and the mid-level exception was $5.585 million. Any team with a payroll exceeding the tax level will pay a dollar for each dollar it’s over the amount.』
    (標籤: 20080709 nba sportsbusiness)
  • 07/09 20:47, 2008
    引述 :『In a dramatic ending to a whirlwind courtship, Elton Brand is on the brink of spurning the Los Angeles Clippers and signing a five-year, $80 million contract with the Philadelphia 76ers, a source familiar with the negotiations said.』
    (標籤: 20080709 nba clippers sixers)
  • 07/09 20:45, 2008
    引述 :『Brandon Jennings, one of the top basketball recruits in the country, will bypass college and pursue a professional opportunity, most likely in Europe, according to sources close to the situation.』
    (標籤: 20080709 ncaa-basketball highschool global-basketball)
  • 07/09 19:53, 2008
    引述 :『NBA夏季聯盟即將全面展開,SBL達欣「少俠」田壘、台灣大後衛吳永仁與前鋒徐偉勝也將在16日赴美國拉斯維加斯觀戰NBA夏季聯盟賽事,然後在20日轉赴沙加緬度,接受國王助理教練2到4周不等的個人訓練。 』
    (標籤: 20080709 tw-bball tienlei nba)