- 10/09 13:33, 2009引述 :『NBA台北賽昨晚在台北小巨蛋引爆,金塊隊以一○四比一二六輸給溜馬隊,金塊球星安東尼在第四節才開打一分多鐘之際,他因不滿判決「碎碎念」而吞下技術犯規,也讓全場一萬三千多名觀眾看到平時只能在電視上出現的球員與裁判對立的畫面。』( )
- 10/09 13:28, 2009引述 :『In the first NBA preseason game played in Taiwan, the Indiana Pacers defeated the Denver Nuggets 126-104 on Thursday.』( )
- 10/09 13:27, 2009引述 :『The NBA envisions having franchise teams in European cities, although commissioner David Stern said Thursday there was no timetable for that to happen.』( )
- 10/07 07:13, 2009引述 :『The league executives who responded to the eighth annual NBA.com GM survey picked the Lakers to win another NBA title — though their opponent is unclear — and saw James as the runaway winner of another MVP award.』( )
- 10/04 00:25, 2009引述 :『中華籃協2日召開男籃專案小組會議,選出今年12月初香港東亞運中華隊培訓國手14人,8月在大陸天津第25屆亞錦賽拿到第五名的12人,除張宗憲回美就學不克效力外,另11名成員悉上榜,再補進7月瓊斯盃表現不錯的台銀陳順詳、台啤陳世念、璞園蔡文誠。』( )
Friday, October 09, 2009
Oct. 2-9 垃圾精華
[2009/10/02 - 2009/10/09]