David Letterman的Top ten list,是在美國CBS電視台廣受歡迎的節目之一,好像已經作了十幾年,專門拿各種人物和事件來開玩笑,博君一笑。最近他也針對NBA裁判Tim Donaghy吹黑哨的事件來了這麼一段:
Top Ten Signs A Referee Is Fixing Games
10. He leads the league in blocked shots
9. When talking about the Spurs, he says "we"
8. After 6 seconds, calls a 24-second violation
7. He's drawing up plays
6. Befores tipoff, scoreboard reads 58 to nothing
5. Teams have scored a record number of two-pointers, three-pointers and eight pointers
4. Tossed one of the other officials out of the game
3. Has Eddie Brill's telephone number on speed dial
快速撥號名單上有Eddie Brill(和Letterman搭檔演出的脫口秀藝人)
2. Miami Heat hasn't lost a game since Shaq promised to help the referee's fat son
1. The Knicks are winning
Letterman是印第安那州人,本身也是印州Ball State University畢業的,電視生涯從印第安那發跡,最後才殺進紐約,所以印象中他特別喜歡拿印第安那大學前教練Bob Knight和Purdue大學前教頭Gene Keady來開玩笑。下面這一段也蠻有趣的:
Top Ten Signs You've Been Watching Too Much Basketball (1998)
10. Your skin has turned orange and bumpy
9. After an enjoyable meal, you celebrate by cutting down the ceiling fan
8. You've named your kids Gonzaga and Valparaiso
7. Every couple of days you update your tattoo of the 64-team tournament bracket
6. Make up your own "35-second shot clock in the bedroom" joke
5. You actually know how to spell "Krzyzewski"
4. Instead of telling kids bedtime stories, you summarize beer commercials
3. You've worn out 3 La-Z-Boys in 2 weeks
2. You got sent home from work again for showing up in nothing but a well-placed "Go Hoosiers" sign
1. After watching 9 hours of basketball on CBS you swear you saw a show with a talking baby