Source: Celtics, Timberwolves agree to send Garnett to Boston
BOSTON (AP) -- Kevin Garnett is leaving Minnesota after the Boston Celtics agreed to acquire the All-Star forward in a multiplayer trade with the Timberwolves, a Celtics official told The Associated Press on Monday.
Among the players who could be headed to Minnesota are forward Al Jefferson, guard Sebastian Telfair, swingman Gerald Green and center Theo Ratliff, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the deal had not been completed. The official also said the Timberwolves would get at least one draft choice.
交易尚未確定,但各大新聞都出來了,Kevin Garnett到Boston,換取Al Jefferson、Theo Ratliff、Sebastian Telfair和Gerald Green,其他的新聞報導中還有人加上Ryan Gomes,同時兩隊也交換未來的首輪選秀權。
灰狼把KG送到東區,很合理。至於Boston,我想Danny Ainge還是得先照顧一下自己的頭路,所以儘管有人覺得綠衫軍會沒有替補,但小安子大概也管不了那麼多了,Boston再打不出來,他早晚也要打包走人,誰管得了什麼長期計劃、培養球員...那麼多鳥事。

(source: espn.com)