- 06/09 11:31, 2008引述 :『BOSTON (AP)—The old Boston Garden didn’t have air conditioning, so it could be a sweatbox at times, especially during the NBA finals in late spring. In Game 5 of the 1985 finals, for example, when the temperature hit 98 degrees indoors, Boston’s Larry Bird was the hottest player in the building, getting 34 points and 17 rebounds in a 121-103 victory for a 3-2 advantage. The Celtics lost Game 6 in Los Angeles before winning Game 7 at the Garden 111-102. Nowadays, in the TD Banknorth Garden, which opened in 1995, it’s anything but warm. In fact, some of the Lakers were bemoaning the cold of the past few days』( )
- 06/09 11:30, 2008引述 :『The lower-seeded team hosts Games 3-5 in the finals, a change from the other playoff rounds, which use a 2-2-1-1-1 format. The switch was made in 1984, Stern’s first season in charge, partly because of the difficulty in travel from Boston to Los Angeles, which met in both 1984 and ‘85.』( )
- 06/09 08:39, 2008引述 :『潯興上季是甲A第七名,原教練普拉達是前CBA中華職籃宏福隊總教練,劉嘉發曾師承普拉達,在普拉達執教期間,受益良多。這次接掌潯興兵符,取代普拉達的位置,兩人的因緣際會和處境,也讓劉嘉發萬分感慨。』( )
Monday, June 09, 2008
June 9 垃圾精選