Monday, June 09, 2008

June 9 垃圾精選


  • 06/09 11:31, 2008
    引述 :『BOSTON (AP)—The old Boston Garden didn’t have air conditioning, so it could be a sweatbox at times, especially during the NBA finals in late spring. In Game 5 of the 1985 finals, for example, when the temperature hit 98 degrees indoors, Boston’s Larry Bird was the hottest player in the building, getting 34 points and 17 rebounds in a 121-103 victory for a 3-2 advantage. The Celtics lost Game 6 in Los Angeles before winning Game 7 at the Garden 111-102. Nowadays, in the TD Banknorth Garden, which opened in 1995, it’s anything but warm. In fact, some of the Lakers were bemoaning the cold of the past few days』
    (標籤: 20080609 nba celtics)
  • 06/09 11:30, 2008
    引述 :『The lower-seeded team hosts Games 3-5 in the finals, a change from the other playoff rounds, which use a 2-2-1-1-1 format. The switch was made in 1984, Stern’s first season in charge, partly because of the difficulty in travel from Boston to Los Angeles, which met in both 1984 and ‘85.』
    (標籤: 20080609 nba celtics)
  • 06/09 08:39, 2008
    引述 :『潯興上季是甲A第七名,原教練普拉達是前CBA中華職籃宏福隊總教練,劉嘉發曾師承普拉達,在普拉達執教期間,受益良多。這次接掌潯興兵符,取代普拉達的位置,兩人的因緣際會和處境,也讓劉嘉發萬分感慨。』
    (標籤: 20080609 coaching tw-bball china)