Tuesday, August 14, 2007


(source: nba.com)

這很有趣,從Basketbawful看到的。仔細想一想,作者說的好像都是真的:Iverson翻球翻到死也不會違例;被喬丹推開、被Reggie Miller的剪刀腳踢到、被Kobe Bryant的手肘K到,都算你倒楣。碰上風吹就倒的Dwyane Wade、推土機也推不動的Shaq、可以"三步跳投"的Patrick Ewing、可以隨時變換軸心腳的Kevin McHale...習慣就好了...

The Top 10 Superstar Moves
1. The Off-arm Pushoff: Michael Jordan
2. The Drop, Flop, and Roll: Dwyane Wade
3. The Elbow-out Jumper: Kobe Bryant
4. The Three-Step-And-A-Hop Jumper: Patrick Ewing
5. The 23-second Postup: Charles Barkley
6. The Kickout Jumper: Reggie Miller
7. The Bowl-Your-Man-Down: Shaq
8. The Amazing Changing Pivot Feet: Kevin McHale
9. The Killer Palmover: Allen Iverson
10. The Five-Step Dunk: Every superstar