Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27 垃圾精選

[2009/04/25 - 2009/04/27]

  • 04/27 08:43, 2009
    引述 :『何謂「不喜歡裁判名單」?黃朝和指出,裕隆、達欣與台啤3強皆因對某些資深裁判執法不滿,先前已分別列出一份「不喜歡裁判名單」,要求籃協不要在該隊比賽時排他們上場執法,籃協只有無奈地按照這些名單安排裁判班表,但在3強比賽中排除「不喜歡裁判名單」列名之裁判,可以執法者大概只剩10幾名。』
    (標籤: 20090427 sbl)
  • 04/27 08:38, 2009
    引述 :『王人生指出,今年SBL有37位執法裁判,但達欣、裕隆、台啤3強開出「拒絕使用」裁判名單後,「堪用」裁判人選不到20人,其中多數為年輕裁判,處理關鍵判決的經驗仍不夠豐富。』
    (標籤: 20090427 sbl)
  • 04/27 08:37, 2009
    引述 :『裕隆不滿裁判判決,終場前19.26秒引爆SBL史上最嚴重罷賽事件,這也是6季來第2次被裁判沒收的比賽,達欣依規定以20:0勝出,並鎖定例行賽王位,但總教練邱大宗感嘆:「若能預知此結果,我寧願達欣輸掉這場比賽。」』
    (標籤: 20090427 sbl)
  • 04/27 08:35, 2009
    引述 :『日本籃協公布6月10日在愛知縣小牧市舉行的東亞男籃資格賽賽制,除了推翻掉先前傳出的單循環賽制,突然改成分組預賽以外,身為今年8月亞洲男籃錦標賽主辦國的中國,也成為6支參賽隊伍之一,替中華隊爭搶晉級資格增添不少變數。』
    (標籤: 20090427 sbl)
  • 04/27 08:34, 2009
    引述 :『負責國內裁判事務的中華籃協副秘書長王人生,昨天剛從台中開完研討會返回球場,就碰上裕隆罷賽事件,他強調不少球團都有先入為主的偏差觀念,裁判是無辜的,可是近年他開始認為,籃協理事長不該擁有自己的籃球隊。 』
    (標籤: 20090427 sbl)
  • 04/27 08:30, 2009
    引述 :『SBL超級籃賽昨天爆發本季最嚴重事件,老牌籃球勁旅裕隆隊因為不滿裁判判決,總教練張學雷率隊罷賽並離場,事發當下張學雷說:「裕隆不但退出本季,也決定退出超級籃賽。」』
    (標籤: 20090427 sbl)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

April 24-25 bookmarks

[2009/04/19 - 2009/04/25]

Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 19 垃圾精選

[2009/04/08 - 2009/04/19]

  • 04/18 21:26, 2009
    引述 :『According to the agreement of FIBA Asia, Iran Women National Basketball Team will participate in the coming FIBA Asia Championships, 01- 30 Jun.2009 ,wearing Islamic clothes. This is the first participation of Iran Women Basketball Team in such events over last 30 years and is considered as a great hope in the improvement of Iran Women Basketball. Therefore Iran team is getting ready and trying to organize some preparation camps abroad. These events were supposed to be held in Chinese Taipei but due to the retirement of this country from hosting these games, the venue will be announced later.』
    (標籤: 20090418 global-basketball womensbball)

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

April 5-7 垃圾精選

[2009/04/05 - 2009/04/08]

  • 04/07 12:04, 2009
    引述 :『Sean Miller of Xavier has accepted the head coaching job at Arizona, ending the Wildcats’ sometimes frustrating search for a high-profile replacement for Hall of Famer Lute Olson.』
    (標籤: 20090407 ncaa-basketball coaching)
  • 04/07 12:02, 2009
    引述 :『The Tar Heels (34-4) were up 55-34 at halftime, breaking a 42-year-old title-game record for biggest lead at the break and setting the mark for most points at the half.』
    (標籤: 20090407 ncaa-basketball)
  • 04/05 20:57, 2009
    引述 :『As an all-freshman starting five, they lost to Duke in the 1992 NCAA title game. As sophomores in 1993, they fell to North Carolina, a game most famous for Webber calling for a timeout the team didn’t have. Still, the Fab Five resonates like few other college teams ever.』
    (標籤: 20090405 ncaa-basketball)

Sunday, April 05, 2009

March 31-April 5 垃圾精選

[2009/03/29 - 2009/04/05]