昨天才發現這一則新聞,Nike創辦人Phil Knight捐贈一億美元給Oregon大學,可能會被用來作為興建新籃球場之用。說得好像臉不紅氣不喘一樣,holy cow,那是多少錢?33億台幣?
Knight's $100 million gift to bankroll Oregon athletics fund
EUGENE, Ore. -- The University of Oregon's plan to build a new basketball arena moved a giant step forward Monday when Nike co-founder Phil Knight, and his wife, Penny, pledged $100 million to the university, the largest philanthropic gift in school history.
The money is not targeted specifically for an arena, university officials said. Rather, it will create the Oregon Athletics Legacy Fund, which will help support all
athletic programs.
Nike原本就是從奧勒岡州發跡的,如今總部還在這裡,回饋自然也從這裡出發。甚至還有人猜測,Nike在旗下兩名今年最紅球星Greg Oden、Kevin Durant分別入主拓荒者和超音速之間扮演的角色,不過這恐怕是想太多吧。
話說Oregon大學近年來籃球實力在教頭Ernie Kent苦心經營下漸有起色,如今已經成為Pac-10裡不可小看的角色。上一季他們打出29勝8負的戰績,全美排名第10,在NCAA錦標賽中到八強才敗給衛冕的Florida,也難怪打算要將已經頗有歷史的McArthur體育館重建。