(Source: nba.com)
第一則新聞是,美國隊本屆美洲區資格賽任用活塞隊籃球事務主任Tony Ronzone,總理球探事務(Pistons Tony Ronzone Named USA Basketball Men's Senior National Team's Director Of International Player Personnel)。
Team USA: Scouting Hard
I always remember Charles Barkley, when he was on the Dream Team in 1992, admitting that he did not know a single thing about the Angola team they were about to face.
I can't tell you that the team was underprepared for opponents last summer. (For the record, Rudy Tomjanovich was in charge of scouting then.) But I can tell you this: Team USA is at a natural disadvantage. NBA games are broadcast around the world, so most opponents have a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the NBA players involved. Whereas Euroleague and other international basketball is very hard to watch in America.
NBA players go into not knowing much about a lot of these guys, while their opponents come into it knowing a fair amount.
但我們要注意,2006年世錦賽美國確實設有球探部門,掌門人也不是別人,就是Rudy Tomjanovich。可想而知,Rudy T的功課並沒有作好。
這很不容易,你只要想像先前Tim Duncan在國際比賽中被裁判搞到哇哇叫的畫面,就可知一二。其實用「搞」或許不是個好的形容詞,重點在於NBA球員一直無法適應風格迥異的國際規則。
FIBA refs school Team USA on international rules
The idea was to prepare players for the no-blood, no-foul style of international play. What might appear to be a violation in the NBA — a moving screen, say, or a forearm to the midsection — is often ignored under FIBA rules.
"You have more liberties," Kobe Bryant said. "It's upon us to take advantage of those. In the past, guys were telling me, when they were playing in these tournaments, they're so used to playing hands-off. It's an adjustment. They're not taking advantage of their size or their athletic ability.
International basketball is far more physical than the NBA, which has taken strides to streamline the game by cracking down on handchecks and illegal screens. Team USA managing director Jerry Colangelo helped lead the cleanup effort when he owned the Phoenix Suns.
Krzyzewski compared the international game to the "NBA of the '80s."
One difference, evident to even casual observers, is the number of moving picks. A defender may find himself being blocked from the top of the key into the lane.
"It's not illegal," LeBron James said. "In the NBA it is, but in FIBA basketball it's legal. You're allowed to roll the guy into the post after you set a screen."
"International basketball is far more physical than the NBA"...看到這句話突然好想笑,這和某些人的認知剛好相反。我覺得,倒不應該說國際籃球的碰撞程度超過於NBA,應該解釋為國際籃球比NBA允許更多的衝撞。這兩種解釋法之間有著微妙的差異。
總之,對於慣於使用國際規則的我們而言,了解國際和NBA規則間的差異,或許比老美來得容易。比賽時間、場地、叫暫停的方式次數和對象,以及goal tending,兩者都有相當程度的不同。對球員影響最大的,則是裁判的尺度。
這兩個裁判也向美國隊球員解釋了,FIBA規則對於handchecks和非法掩護(illegal screens, moving screens),都判得比較鬆。