- 06/04 09:35, 2009引述 :『Said the smiling president of the best-of-seven series: "Lakers in six, I think." The series begins Thursday.』( )
- 06/04 09:34, 2009引述 :『Pietrus, a shooting guard who also helped defend LeBron James in the Eastern Conference finals, has worn a pair of basketball sneakers endorsed by Bryant during games this season, the Orlando Sentinel reported. But now that the Magic are facing the Lakers in the NBA Finals, which start Thursday (ABC, 8:30 p.m. ET), Pietrus is ditching his Kobe kicks for something a little more old-school, according to the report.』( )
- 06/04 09:32, 2009引述 :『A lawmaker urged the National Basketball Association Wednesday to repeal its requirement that players be at least 19 years old and a year out of high school before entering the league, calling the restriction unfair.』( )
- 05/31 21:49, 2009引述 :『There will be no Kobe-LeBron showdown in the NBA finals—and that could make things tougher for the Lakers. Instead, Los Angeles will face Dwight Howard(notes) and the Orlando Magic, who swept the Western Conference champions during the regular season.』( )
- 05/25 22:55, 2009引述 :『〔記者孫傳賢/台北報導〕亞洲男籃錦標賽東亞資格賽12人名單昨日出爐,所有成員皆來自本季SBL例行賽前3名球隊,達欣、裕隆、台啤看板球星幾乎全員入列,獨缺「台灣飛人」陳信安!據了解,陳信安已前往美國治療膝傷,至於林志傑、張智峰、吳岱豪等主力也可能因傷退出』( )
Thursday, June 04, 2009
May 25-June 4 垃圾精選
[2009/05/21 - 2009/06/04]