- 11/27 07:51, 2009引述 :『美國職籃NBA傳出簽賭案,涉案的是前中華男籃隊助理教練買利嘉,今天聽到消息後,中華男籃國手田壘表示,這應該是謠言,不會有這種事。』( )
- 11/27 07:50, 2009引述 :『美國職籃NBA傳出簽賭案,涉案的是與台灣籃壇頗有淵源的前中華男籃隊助理教練買利嘉。事實上,買利嘉長袖善舞的風格在台灣籃壇早已廣為人知,甚至與中國CBA也有不少交集。』( )
- 11/27 07:49, 2009引述 :『NBA傳出簽賭,涉案人是來自於台灣的球探買利嘉。根據雅虎體育報導,NBA總部已經將買利嘉(Jack Mai)除名,而買利嘉則表示已經辭職,拒絕進一步的評論。』( )
- 11/26 07:48, 2009引述 :『Jack Mai, the team's former assistant director of scouting, was found to have gambled while with the Kings, who fired him in January. Last season was his eighth with the franchise and third as assistant director of scouting.』( )
- 11/26 07:45, 2009引述 :『Without a clear-cut suitor emerging to sign him, All-Star guard Allen Iverson(notes) is set to retire, his personal manager said Wednesday afternoon.』( )
Friday, November 27, 2009
Nov. 13-27 垃圾精選
[2009/11/13 - 2009/11/27]