- 09/05 05:22, 2009引述 :『Detroit Pistons forward Charlie Villanueva(notes) made headlines last season while playing for the Milwaukee Bucks when he tweeted at halftime of a game. Bucks coach Scott Skiles ordered Villanueva not to do it again. Cleveland Cavaliers center Shaquille O’Neal(notes) used his Twitter account to give away tickets in Phoenix last season – and take shots at Orlando Magic coach Stan Van Gundy. O’Neal now has more than 2.1 million followers on his Twitter account.』( )
- 09/04 20:33, 2009引述 :『〔記者龍柏安/台北報導〕在今年亞洲男籃錦標賽打出身價的「少俠」田壘,成為中國CBA最新一波「獵人頭」的對象,目前據悉中國已有兩支豪門球隊開出優渥合約,月薪不會低於2萬美金(約新台幣66萬),行情超過台啤「野獸」林志傑。』( )
- 09/03 19:55, 2009引述 :『Overall, European players’ performance drops 30% in the NBA』( )
- 09/01 07:02, 2009引述 :『女籃亞錦賽中華隊名單昨天出爐,由老將鄭慧芸領軍,希望能打進前3名取得明年世錦賽的參賽資格。』( )
- 09/01 07:00, 2009引述 :『顏行書說:「每天都是練球,沒有朋友。」楊玉明更說:「中國球員會排斥台灣球員,要融入球隊需要更加倍努力。」』( )
- 09/01 06:59, 2009引述 :『新聯盟、還是新球季?第7季SBL到底有沒有譜,至今仍是一團問號,球員出走是否會形成新一波的骨牌效應,則是國內籃壇的隱憂。』( )
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Aug. 28-Sept. 5垃圾精選
[2009/08/28 - 2009/09/05]