- 07/04 22:10, 2008引述 :『The bj-league, which began with six teams in the fall of 2005, will be comprised of 12 teams when the 2008-09 season tips off in mid-October, and the Shiga Lakestars and Hamamatsu Higashimikawa Phoenix, who defected from the JBL, will make their bj-league debuts.』( )
- 07/04 20:20, 2008引述 :『敗部復活!一度喊卡的第30屆瓊斯杯籃賽女子組,確定恢復舉辦。 時間:本月20-24日,參賽四隊:中華女籃、澳洲19歲青女隊、以色列20歲代表隊,及南韓女子職籃(WKBL)國民銀行或我們銀行(Worrie Bank)二選一。』( )