- 06/03 08:59, 2008引述 :『2008年中華男籃培訓隊今天在台北捷運北投體育館完成報到手續,將展開為期四十天的集中住宿及密集訓練,以備戰七月十日在台北縣新莊體育館登場的第三十屆威廉瓊斯盃國際籃球邀請賽。』( )
- 06/03 08:53, 2008引述 :『八名培訓國手或因傷痛或想休息申請退訓,其中陳信安、曾文鼎上月及今天前後三次報到都缺席,擺明不打,且迄未提出理由,籃協將予追究或議處,台啤林志傑、吳岱豪、何守正、陳世念及裕隆陳志忠、達欣張智峰六人,則都已遞交醫院證明,退訓獲准,不予處罰』( )
- 06/02 22:52, 2008引述 :『If the numbers don't lie, then the Lakers will improve their record to 3-9 against the Celtics in the NBA Finals. 』( )
- 06/02 22:49, 2008引述 :『Someone then asked, "You hated the Celtics in those days, didn't you?" Bryant answered, "Who didn't?" 』( )
- 05/30 00:06, 2008引述 :『In a statement, the league says the Lakers' guard made contact with the Spurs' guard in the closing seconds of Game 4 and two free throws should have been awarded. Lakers won the game by two points.』( )